Dr. Irina Chan Toronto Naturopath Naturopathic Doctor

Naturopathic Approach to Eczema: Identifying Triggers and Natural Remedies

Dr Irina Chan Toronto Naturopath Naturopathic Doctor Eczema

By Dr. Irina Chan, Naturopathic Doctor

Do you or someone you know suffer from eczema? If so, you understand the frustration of dealing with persistent itchiness, redness, and discomfort associated with this chronic skin condition. While conventional treatments like topical steroids can provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the root cause of eczema. This is where naturopathic medicine steps in.


Naturopathic Approach to Eczema

Naturopathic medicine takes a holistic stance on healthcare, treating the entire person rather than just the symptoms. In eczema cases, a naturopathic doctor collaborates with you to identify underlying causes, such as stress, environmental irritants, food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, poor gut health, or a compromised immune system. By uncovering the root issue, a personalized treatment plan can be tailored to your unique needs, effectively alleviating your symptoms.


Identify Eczema Triggers

Managing eczema through a naturopathic approach starts by pinpointing potential triggers.

Stress, a common eczema trigger, necessitates stress management techniques. Environmental irritants like harsh soaps or detergents also provoke flare-ups, emphasizing the need to avoid them.

Dietary changes significantly impact eczema management. A naturopathic doctor might suggest an elimination diet to identify food sensitivities or allergies contributing to symptoms. Eliminating common allergens such as dairy, gluten, and soy, then gradually reintroducing them, can help identify specific trigger foods.


Identify Nutrient Deficiencies

Beyond avoiding triggering foods, recent research highlights specific nutrients crucial for managing eczema. Vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids play vital roles. A naturopathic doctor can assess if your diet supplies these nutrients adequately or if supplementation is required to enhance skin health and diminish eczema symptoms.



Incorporating probiotics into your diet offers a natural approach to managing eczema. These live microorganisms, termed “good” or “friendly” bacteria, regulate the immune system, enhance gut health, and improve the skin’s natural barrier. Embracing probiotics in your daily routine might alleviate the persistent itching and discomfort associated with eczema.


Herbs for Eczema

Nature has provided us with a wealth of healing remedies, and herbal remedies are no exception when it comes to treating eczema. Herbs like calendula, chamomile, and neem are recognized for their ability to reduce itching and inflammation. It’s important to note that while these herbs can be beneficial for managing eczema symptoms, it’s always best to work with a naturopathic doctor to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.



Can naturopathic medicine provide a long-lasting solution for eczema? 
Yes, naturopathic medicine takes a holistic approach that addresses underlying causes, leading to more sustainable relief and better overall skin health.

How can stress trigger eczema?
Stress impacts the immune system, potentially exacerbating eczema symptoms. Managing stress through relaxation techniques can contribute to symptom alleviation.

Are dietary changes effective in managing eczema?
Yes, dietary changes can play a significant role. Identifying trigger foods and addressing nutrient deficiencies can lead to improved eczema management.

Can probiotics really help with eczema?
bsolutely, probiotics support immune system regulation and gut health, which in turn can positively impact eczema symptoms.

Are herbal remedies safe for eczema treatment?
Many herbs, such as Calendula, Chamomile, and Neem, have shown benefits for managing eczema. Consulting a naturopathic doctor is recommended for a personalized approach.


Let’s Recap

Naturopathic medicine presents a holistic strategy for eczema treatment, offering diverse options to manage symptoms and enhance overall skin health. If you’re seeking more sustainable relief than conventional treatments provide, or if eczema flare-ups persist, work with me to create a personalized, comprehensive approach to restore your skin health.

